GoogleCode: BluePrint css: SubVersion Trunk
Raging Thunderbolt. No, it's not about Microsoft.: Blueprint 0.6 stress test (2007-09-06)
Here’s a quick list of the improvements in BP 0.6:
- We’re back to em units for vertical spacing, though with a much better implementation than what we had in 0.4.
- This release introduces a new plugin structure, keeping the core files light and nimble.
- Three plugins (two extracted from the 0.5 core, one new).
- A new IE stylesheet imported with conditional comments.
- A much cleaner directory structure.
- New compressor script for easy compression of core files.
- Compressed version of print.css.
- A CSS validation script.
- Greatly improved test files.
- Lots of improvements to the typography.
- .box, .clear, .append- and .prepend- 12 through 23 are back by popular demand. :)
- Loads and loads of small improvements and fixes.
This might seem like a lot of files, but while the number of bundled tools have increased, the use of plugins and a much better directory structure actually means that the CSS framework itself is lighter and more robust than ever.
後は、SEOの観点から HTML で下のように記述したものを…
- メイン
- メインへのパン屑リスト
- メインに関連するサイドボックス
- それ以外のサイドボックス
- ナビゲーションバー
- ナビゲーションバー
- それ以外のサイドボックス
- メインへのパン屑リスト
- メイン
- メインに関連するサイドボックス
- ナビゲーションバー
- ナビゲーションバー
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